1. Trochanteric bursitis

Intro: The trochanteric bursa is a fluid filled sac sitting on the lateral side of the hip over a bony protuberance known as the greater trochanter. A fibrous band of tissue called the iliotibial band tracks over the bursa, and pain may result when there is friction between the two, often due to repetitive motion or weak gluteal muscles.

Treatment: Physical therapy, stretching, medication. A steroid injection at the bursa may help reduce symptoms. In unresolving cases, a bursectomy (removal of bursa) surgery may help.es.

2. Hip pain

A. <40-year-old – Femoroacetabular impingement

Intro: The femoroacetabular joint is where the hip (femur) and pelvic (acetabulum) bone meet; anatomically this is located at the groin region. When there is abnormal contact between the two bones, there can be irritation to the cartilage of the joint.

Symptoms: Pain on certain motion of the hip.

Treatment: Physical therapy and medication. A steroid injection into the joint may help with pain. In persistent cases, osteoplasty (removal of bone) surgery or surgery on the cartilage is done.

B. >60-year-old – Hip osteoarthritis

Intro: Osteoarthritis of the hip is a degenerative joint disorder that may manifest the elderly naturally or in individuals with prior injury.

Symptoms: Pain and decreased motion of the hip.

Treatment: Physical therapy and medications. An intra-articular steroid injection may help provide relief as well. When nonoperative modalities fail, hip replacement surgery may be considered.