Hip pain

A. <40-year-old – Femoroacetabular impingement

Intro: The femoroacetabular joint is where the hip (femur) and pelvic (acetabulum) bone meet; anatomically this is located at the groin region. When there is abnormal contact between the two bones, there can be irritation to the cartilage of the joint.

Symptoms: Pain on certain motion of the hip.

Treatment: Physical therapy and medication. A steroid injection into the joint may help with pain. In persistent cases, osteoplasty (removal of bone) surgery or surgery on the cartilage is done.

B. >60-year-old – Hip osteoarthritis

Intro: Osteoarthritis of the hip is a degenerative joint disorder that may manifest the elderly naturally or in individuals with prior injury.

Symptoms: Pain and decreased motion of the hip.

Treatment: Physical therapy and medications. An intra-articular steroid injection may help provide relief as well. When nonoperative modalities fail, hip replacement surgery may be considered.